The inspiration for a unique watch collection

Timezone has become one of the most trusted and largest watch retailers in Oman.

Timezone’s collections include 20+ international brands that are stylish, suave, and chic. In the Timezone watch store, you will find Swiss watches, classic analog watches, modern digital watches, and futuristic smartwatches from a variety of brands including Lee Cooper, Casio, Titan, Seiko, Fastrack, Domino, Spectrum, Daniel Klein, Kenneth Scott, Ranker, Sveston, Bigotti, Trend Design, Western, Naviforce, Fitron, Skmei, Q&Q, Modio, Telzeal, and more. When curated by expert brands, these watches can be passed down from generation to generation.

Over ten thousand watches are on display at Timezone stores throughout the country. Currently, we have 15 stores in multiple cities across Oman. If you are looking for high-quality watches in a store close to you or online, Timezone is the right place. Visit our store directory to learn more about Timezone watch stores near you

Our Mission

Our company is a watch retailer and service provider.

Offering a wide variety of watches and accessories at competitive prices is our commitment to total customer satisfaction. Our services are unmatched when it comes to quality and efficiency before, during, and after the sale. We perform this task at the most convenient location.

Our Vision

Become the leading watch retail company with respect to sales, growth, and customer service.

Meet Our Team

Anas Pulladan


Shiljed vp


Abdul Rahoof


Muhammad Shakir

E-commerce manager


Account Manager

Muhammad Farman


Priya Arun


Muhammad Murshid

Shop Incharge

Basheer Puthukkattil

Shop Incharge

Muhammad Musthafa

Shop Incharge

Muhammad Raseen

Shop Incharge

Rajeev K.M

Shop Incharge

Lijaz Jahangeer Shah

Shop Incharge

Akbar Sha

Shop Incharge

Namshid A.C

Shop Incharge

Shahul Hameed

Shop Incharge


Shop Incharge

Shibin K

Shop Incharge


Shop Incharge

Muhammad Salman

Sales Man

Muhammad Simon

Sales Man

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