Our Privacy Policy explains how we process your personal information.

This website is operated by Timezone Watches. We take privacy and data protection seriously. Our Privacy Policy describes our online information practices and the choices you can make about the collection, use, correction, transfer, or deletion of personal information you submit or that we collect through our website.

By using this website and sending us information, you understand that we will collect, use and store personal information as described in this policy and our cookie policy.

What data do we collect from you?

After you sign up for Timezone and use this benefit, Timezone collects various personal information about you that can be used to identify you. This information is often called “personally identifiable information”.

Personal Information and Orders:

When you sign up for an account, you must provide certain information, such as your first and last name and email address, and choose a password (“Your User Information Datasheet”). When you order products, we will ask you to provide additional information such as your full name, shipping address and telephone number and credit card number, account or other payment information, and billing address. We also collect personally identifiable information from you when you update information about the Services. We may receive personally identifiable information when submitting an order.

How Timezone uses your information?

Communication: We use your information to communicate with you about the Services, such as for administrative purposes, customer service, to resolve privacy issues, and for purposes such as providing, operating, maintaining, and improving the Services. You will not have the opportunity to disable certain types of communication (notifications, service announcements, exchanges of messages, etc.) regarding the Service and your Timezone account.

Purchase Transactions: We may also use your information to contact you regarding purchases you make through the Services and to comply with the terms and conditions for your ordering and selling products through the Services. To provide and improve the Services; Personalization: We may use the information collected from you (including cookies and cookies) to (i) provide, customize and personalize the services (e.g. (ii) analyze and understand the usage patterns and preferences of service users and their effectiveness of our business and communications so that we can continually improve our services. , (iii) performing service reporting, analysis, maintenance, development, troubleshooting, and Other technical development activities; and (iv) providing third-party advertising, content, and information.